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Search Results for "Transforming "companies of a certain age""
Transforming "companies of a certain age"
Doug Powell - Design At Scale: Transforming IBM
Every Day is a Prototype - Phil Gilbert (IBM) #TOA18
#6: IBM Head of Design, Phil Gilbert, wields $100M and 1,300 designers to bring design back to IBM
Using the creative mind to problem-solve - Harry West, Phil Gilbert & Chris Dannen
Staring at the internet
Alec Ross Speaks on Capitol Hill about Globalization
Robyn Metcalfe
Data is about people
David Rowan's opening keynote at PopTech 2018
Phil Gilbert (IBM PureSystems) on Scaling Craft at Monkigras 2013
Danese Cooper (NearForm) at ISC.S10 - Welcome to InnerSource